Weight loss resistance has ties to leptin resistance.

Leptin is the hormone responsible for weight loss resistance. It signals to your brain when it needs to burn fat as energy and when your stomach is full. When you are leptin resistance your brain doesn’t get the message, this leads to weight loss resistance. Many people with leptin resistance struggle with weight loss resistance beginning in childhood.

While leptin resistance has a part to play in weight loss resistance, there are some strategies that you can actively use when it comes to losing pounds. Ultimately, the solution to weight loss resistance is far more complex than simply cutting calories or working out harder. Below are several facts, fictions and myths regarding weight loss resistance.
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Weight Loss Resistance Myth #1: Exercising is The Only Way to Lose Weight.

While exercising is certainly an important component of a healthy lifestyle, it is not the only factor when it comes to weight loss. Losing weight requires a lifestyle that includes healthy food choices and strategic physical activity. The combination of these two factors create a strong metabolism, which helps you get healthy and lose those pounds.

Weight Loss Resistance Myth #2: Eating Fat Makes You Fat.

Fat is essential in all cellular functions. All of the cells in our body: our brain, muscles, heart etc. needs good fat to function. The important thing to know about eating fat is that you need to choose HEALTHY fat. What is healthy fat?

When it comes to dietary fats we can categorize them into two groups: bad fats and good fats. Bad fats are trans & saturated fats, while good fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. If you’re looking for a way to eliminate these bad fats from your diets, consider avocados. These are a great substitute for saturated or trans fats in your favorite dishes. You may also consider cooking with coconut oil or avocado oil as opposed to traditional oils.

Other examples of good fats: organic butter, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, nuts, organic cheese.  Examples of unhealthy or “bad” fats are trans and saturated fats, this means fried foods, baked products, and snack foods. All of these foods usually contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oil – a big source of trans fats. What’s so bad about trans fats? Trans fats raise bad, or low-density lipoprotein (LDL), cholesterol levels and lower beneficial high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels, increasing heart disease risk. The solution: stay away from processed foods. Read the labels: Now that food manufacturers are required to list trans fats on the Nutrition Facts label of food products you can make better, more informed choices.

Weight Loss Resistance Myth #3: Carbs Are Always Bad.

Carbohydrates are an important macro nutrient alongside proteins and fats. Again, it is the type of carbs you choose to eat are important. A good carb has a low glycemic index, this means your body digests and absorbs it slowly. This keeps your blood-sugar and insulin levels steady.

Good carbs include: Non-starchy vegetables of all kinds and whole fruits that are low in sugar. These are the only foods that belong in the good carb category.

Bad carbs at the top of the list in the really bad carb category are:

  • White flour,
  • Refined foods
  • Sugar of any kind
  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Cookies, brownies, candy etc.
  • Potato chips, corn chips, etc.
  • Bread
  • Pasta
  • Molasses
  • Alcoholic beverages

Though better than the foods in the above list, these high starch foods also break down into sugar quickly in the body:

  • Potatoes
  • Whole grains – brown rice, oats, wheat, rye, barley,
  • Alternative grains, kamut, spelt, etc.
  • Sweet potatoes, yams
  • Corn
  • Peas
  • Lima beans
  • Winter squash
  • Beans/legumes
  • Agave
  • Fruit juice

Have further questions about weight loss resistance? Reno health coach Jan Overbay can help.

Are you moving from one diet to another attempting to understand why those stubborn extra pounds just won’t budge? Are you working out harder believing you just need to find the right workout for you to lose those extra pounds? Check out upcoming classes that take you deeper into the truths about how your body works and what you can do to balance it’s needs.

Weight loss resistance myths are cause for discussion. To get the latest information, join Jan Overbay, on Thursday, January 25th from 5:30-7pm to learn more about the truths of weight loss resistance.
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