Are you struggling with weight loss? Having trouble achieving your goals? There are a myriad of contributing factors that may be holding you back. The following explain how various weight loss factors including: lifestyle choices, toxins, stress, sleep, exercise, and water can contribute to your weight loss wins and losses. This is just a glimpse of what I will be covering in my upcoming class. If you find this information interesting or helpful, sign up and learn how to start achieving your goals.
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Making the Best Lifestyle Choices


Consciously striving to make the best lifestyle choices can make or break your weight loss goals. Lifestyle choices are all encompassing options you weight losshave to make in every aspect of your life from the food you eat to the amount of sleep and exercise you get each day. They even include how much alcohol you consume and the mindset you have. Choosing to eat healthy, drink less alcohol, sleep and exercise more, and strive to have a positive mindset will make remarkable differences in your daily life and in your journey toward weight loss.

Toxins: How They Can Affect Your Health

Toxins are generally not something we think of when we are planning out our weight loss strategy and goals, but they can affect our health in several ways. Environmental toxins end up in our food and water and can cause great damage to our bodies. The human body can withstand some toxicity and filter it through the liver, kidneys, and intestines, but the amount of toxins we encounter on a daily basis surpasses that threshold. The best way to increase your health is to reduce exposure to toxins. Some ways to do this include:

  • Purchasing organic food
  • Using chemical-free products for cleaning and body care
  • Filtering the water you drink


How Different Kinds of Stress Impact Your Body

Any form of stress has a negative effect on your body, but which is worse mental or physical? In terms of the strain on your heart health, stressmental stress is much stronger and has lasting effects. Physical stress is generally for a short period of time, while mental stress can be constant and include many factors. Chronic stressors are a factor of both emotional and mental stress and can lead to serious health issues. All types of stress can cause health problems, but chronic stressors tend to cause the most damage. Chronic stressors can lead to anxiety, depression, heart disease, or obesity if they are ignored or not properly managed. The best way to deal with stress is not to ignore its existence, but rather to recognize it and figure out which stress management strategy works for you.

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

Shortening your full 8-hour sleep each night to fit in exercise, work, and all the things that need to get done in a day can actually cause weight gain. It is recommended that you sleep at least 7 hours every night and when that is not done, there are significant impacts. Those who sleep less than 7 hours feel significantly more hungry during the day, are less satisfied after eating a meal, and lack energy to get through the day and exercise. To ensure the best weight loss results, getting at least 7 hours of sleep should be a priority.

Drink Plenty of Water

Often times, the reason we snack is because our bodies make us think we are hungry, when we really are just thirsty. Our bodies tend to confuse hunger for thirst. Next time you are craving a snack, drink a big glass of water before reaching in the snack cupboard. Drinking enough water will have incredible effects on your weight loss results and your health in general. Consuming the right amount of fluids for your body energizes your muscles, prevents dehydration, and can help reduce calorie intake,

The Right Balance of Exercise

Although it is one of the most important factors in weight loss, exercise tends to be the most difficult to implement in our daily lives. Exercising requires a lot of effort and time, but it is well worth it. Discovering the perfect balance of exercise in your day along with all of the other tasks that need to be completed will have remarkable effects. Some people like to exercise in the morning to start out the day, but some prefer to exercise later in the day. The timing of your exercise makes no difference, but the consistency is what matters. Once you figure out what works for you, stick to it and results will follow.

Finding the right balance between eating right, sleeping enough, and exercising can be difficult, so why do it alone? Hiring a weightloss coach can give you that extra push you need to get on the right track. Start by contacting me or attending one of my upcoming classes to learn more!
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