Research shows that “Forest Bathing” – walking and being in nature actually brings down our antibody production and manages our immune response….Let’s enjoy this gift and improve our health!

I certainly notice how frequently I choose to do something “responsible” over taking a break and enjoying the outdoors, even for 15 minutes. When I came across this quote “Forest Bathing” I understood the connection I have always felt walking in nature among the trees. If this is improving my immune system, something so enjoyable, I realize I need to change my perspective and priorities to add to staying healthy.

So…it isn’t just about all the things we relate to “staying healthy”, like what we eat, or how much we exercise, or if we are taking all the right vitamins etc. It is also about our spirit and mind. How much we let go and step out of the box of routine and mix it up a bit. Do something different in your day and see how it feels. Something that brings a smile to your face and gives you a break from your routine…. It may boost your energy and give you a new look on life. Worth the try? I believe it is.

  Research shows that “Forest Bathing” – walking and being in nature actually brings down our antibody production and manages our immune response….Let’s enjoy this gift and improve our health!… Read More