What Are the Top Inflammatory Foods to Avoid?

It is time to pay attention to what our body is telling us about the foods that we eat. We can ignore symptoms that seem to keep popping up or we can ask…

Where am I imbalanced and where can I start to make some changes without being overwhelmed?

Let’s start with the basics. If we can just make a couple of changes both in what we eat and when we eat, change in our bodies will happen.

Inflammatory Foods- burger

Inflammatory Foods: What Not to Eat

Staying away from the “3 Ps” is key — processed, packaged, or prepared foods. And, yes, fast food is atop the list of inflammatory foods thanks to the harmful oils, sugar and artificial sweeteners, food additives, and a whole host of nasty ingredients.

  1. Hydrogenated and trans fats

    found in margarine, shortening, lard or products made with them. That includes baked goods, cookies, pies, buns. Of course there are healthier alternatives to these baked goods but most grocery stores and bakeries are using these harmful ingredients.

  2. Meat

    I’m not suggesting that you need to go vegan or vegetarian here —although a plant-based diet tends to be much lower in inflammatory substances —factory raised meat and poultry cause inflammation because they are loaded with antibiotics and hormones, which we do not need more of; make them the background of your meals not the main dish and please choose organic, farmed raised meats and eggs!

  3. Fried foods

    (French fries, onion rings, potato chips, nachos, hamburgers, etc.). I think these items speak for themselves. Again, it is the oils they are cooked in as well as they are processed with very little nutrients, if any!

  4. White sugar and sweets

    including soft drinks and sweetened juices. Newer research is showing that sugar is one of the most addictive substances you can use. It’s also highly inflammatory. Read you labels, stay clear of “High Fructose Corn Syrup!”

  5. Synthetic sweeteners

    (Nutra sweet, Splenda, saccharin, aspartame, Amino Sweet, etc.)—research links these nasty substances to many serious health conditions. I avoid them like the plague.

  6. Iodized Salt

    (use Celtic sea salt instead). Not harmful on its own but sodium is naturally found alongside other valuable minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium. Choose unrefined salt which naturally contains many different minerals, not just sodium.

  7. Food additives

    colors, flavor enhancers, stabilizers, preservatives, etc. Some of the main ones include sulfites, benzoates, and colors named FD&C #”X.” Unfortunately, many foods consumed by children are loaded with these harmful, toxic ingredients…so why feed them to your kids? Again…read labels

  8. Dairy products

    (yogurt, ice cream, cottage cheese, cheese, etc.). Again, if you are not consuming organic dairy products they are packed with hormones, antibiotics, and other harmful ingredients so avoid them as much as possible.

  9. Wheat products

    Wheat is highly acid-forming and inflammatory in the body. Worse, most wheat available now is genetically-modified (GM). Many serious health conditions are starting to be linked to GM wheat consumption.

  10. Other gluten-containing grains

    Gluten is found in most grains and can be highly inflammatory….if you need to eat grains, soak them before you cook and eat.

  11. Alcohol

    High in sugar and a burden to the liver, alcohol makes the top 12 inflammatory foods list. It is best eliminated or used in moderation.

Next month I will open the door to when we eat and the importance of not just what we eat but when we eat.

Until then, choose organic, read labels and make different choices.

If we continue to do the same thing we will continue to experience the same results. Health is life and life isn’t much fun without our health…let’s make that a priority and let’s make it fun!

Contact Jan for a free consultation on your diet and health.

What is Inflammation? Time Magazine labeled inflammation as the secret killer…why? Time Magazine labeled inflammation as the secret killer because inflammation masquerades around our body as the myriad of symptoms… Read More