I was sitting in a blogging class last week and the instructor was talking about writing content, and how content is everywhere, if we pay attention.

It was one of those windy days we have been having in Reno, and I noticed a tree being blown fiercely by the wind and the word flexibility came to mind as I heard her words say, “content is everywhere”.

I continued watching this tree and the words flexibility in the midst of adversity came to mind and I realized right there, I was pulling my first blog together by noticing my environment and what was going on around me! Pretty cool, I thought, and then began to take this broader into feeling this for myself, in my own body and life….hmmm, flexibility in the midst of adversity.

How did this apply to me personally or to anyone for that matter?

My passion is the body, health and wellness and looking at the root cause over symptoms for solving any mystery we carry around puzzling symptoms that pop up.

So, how would flexibility in the midst of adversity apply here? For me, what comes to mind are the times when I have been faced with challenging situations whether physical or emotional or even spiritually.

I have found myself holding on for dear life to what was familiar not realizing when I let go of the resistance and become more “flexible” things can change and I can breathe and open to something new, a different perspective in the midst of what I perceive as “adversity”.

Here is a quote from Victor Frankl who spent time in Nazi concentration camps, that, for me, brings this home and perhaps will give you something to chew on as well….


“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way” (Frankl, 1959)

Perhaps easier than said, yet definitely worth giving it a go….try it, shift your perspective around something challenging and see what happens, it might be liberating.

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