What is your gut telling you?

You have probably heard the phrase “trust your gut.” Did you know the gut is our second brain and most of our immune system lives there? These are all true statements. So, what is your gut telling you?

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Get more information on gut health, and nutrition tips that will improve your gut health.

    Do you experience...

    • Bloating
    • Acid Reflux/Heart Burn
    • Sinus Issues/Runny Nose/Clearing Throat
    • Skin Disorders
    • Inflammation
    • Gas
    • Constipation/Loose Stool
    • Headaches
    • Difficulty Losing Weight/Gaining Weight
    • Depression
    • Fatigue
    • Joint Pain
    • Food Cravings
    • Sleeplessness
    • Nausea
    • Loss of Appetite
    These are all signs of impaired digestion. If You Experience Any Of These Symptoms, Contact me and Let's talk

    What is digestion and why is it so important
    and how does it get impaired?

    Digestion is the ingestion and assimilation of our food and the nutrients from those foods that feed us down to the cell level. Digestion is critical for a healthy gut and for healthy gut bacteria…our Microbiome

    What impairs digestion?

    • Stress (physical, emotional, psychological)
    • Alcohol
    • Drugs (too many antibiotics)
    • Processed Foods
    • Environmental Toxins
    • Lack of Sleep
    • Dehydration
    • Lack of Exercise/Exercises That are Wrong For You

    What are the results of impaired digestion over time?

    • Autoimmune Disorders
    • Food and General Allergies
    • Joint Pain/Arthritis
    • Weight Problems/ Obesity
    • Blood Sugar Disorders/ Type II Diabetes
    • Overgrowth of Pathogenic Bacteria

    What Are the Benefits of Improved Digestion and Gut Health?

    • Weight Loss
    • Increased Energy
    • Clearer Thinking
    • Decreased Symptoms
    • Improved Sleep
    • (To name a few)

    gut health

    Hippocrates over 2000 years ago said, “all disease begins in the gut” and this is true more today than ever.

    Cutting edge research and the front line of health, is the study and science of the microbiome and our gut. Research shows the link between our microbiome and its breakdown to 90+% of all illness and disease. Our microbiome is the myriad strains of bacteria that live in and with us. We are 10 to 1 bacteria. We have 3 kinds, simply put the good, the bad and the neutral.

    One thing I know for sure is any one of us can have the same symptoms, and need different paths to resolve them. Our physiologies are as different as our fingerprints. The work I do is very bio-individual, looking at a person’s history and where they are now and how all has affected their current physiology.

    One of my favorite mentors says:

    “We are not what we eat, we are what our body can do with what we eat.”

    What does this mean? It means if the food we eat isn’t broken down and assimilated due to poor digestion our body is not being fed, which can lead to a myriad of symptoms.

    Let me leave you with this…

    Listen to what your gut is telling you. Symptoms are simply our body waving a hand for attention to look underneath the symptom… and it could just be your gut asking for help.